
Plumbing Maintenance Checklist for the New Year

Plumbing Maintenance Checklist for the New Year

Looking for holiday plumbing tips to kickstart the new year? There are many ways homeowners can help their plumbing system work better in the coming year. Here’s a look at four steps you should add to your New Year’s plumbing maintenance checklist.

Safely Eliminate Clogs

If your drains aren’t regularly cleaned, then it’s possible for waste and debris to accumulate and create clogs. Drain blockages can make the water drain slower and create bad smells too, so getting rid of any should be a part of everyone’s plumbing maintenance checklist. Check to see if there are any blockages in the drains throughout your home so that you can start the New Year fresh.

To determine if there are any clogs, try pouring a bucket of water into the drains and observing how well it flows down. However, if you do plan to remove a clog, use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. The caustic chemicals in store-bought cleaning solutions can sometimes damage pipes, so do yours a favor and opt for a safer clog-removal method.

Use Drains Better

An easy way to eliminate clogs is to prevent them from happening in the first place. While flushing paper towels, wipes, feminine hygiene products, and more down the toilet might seem convenient at the moment, they don’t degrade fast and can wind up clogging your plumbing. Therefore, following good flushing habits is one of the important holiday plumbing tips all homeowners should follow.

The same rule holds true for your kitchen drains as well. Certain food waste like egg shells, coffee grinds, and especially grease shouldn’t be dumped down the sink — the drain isn’t a replacement for the trash can, so don’t treat it like one. Knowing what does and doesn’t go down the drain will help it maintain its functionality throughout the new year.

Reapply Caulking

Caulk is a sealant applied along the base of your bathtub, sink, and other appliances that blocks water from entering the subfloor of your home. However, years of regular water exposure can cause the caulking to break down and allow water to flow through and cause damage. Therefore, checking on the condition of your home’s caulking and reapplying it if necessary should be included in your plumbing maintenance checklist.

Look for Leaks

Although a dripping faucet might not seem like a major threat to the safety of your plumbing system, it’s best to have all problems — no matter how small — resolved. Thousands of gallons of water are wasted each year because of leaks, according to the EPA, so it’s best to identify any potential leaks early on so that you can catch them before they worsen.

The pipes, toilet, kitchen appliances, faucets, and more can potentially leak, so inspecting every possible source in your home should be a part of your plumbing maintenance checklist. If you do need to have repairs or replacements performed to fix a leak, call a professional plumber. The experts have the necessary experience to resolve plumbing problems efficiently and effectively.

Call Dooley Service Pro for Professional Plumbing Assistance

Consider adding a call to Dooley Service Pro to your New Year’s plumbing maintenance checklist. We offer a variety of professional assistance, including water heater serviceswell water cleaning services, and many more. To learn more about our services and schedule an appointment today, contact us today.

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